poetry by Bill Eberle
by Bill Eberle



poetry website




     This website features my books of poetry and also occasionally updated selections of poems I’ve written.

     Five of the PDF poetry books available here may be downloaded and read for free. Four poetry books are for sale and have links to sample copies of the book that may be downloaded and read for free. Complete PDF editions may be purchased by emailing or texting me or by using the yellow PayPal Buy Now buttons you will see below the book’s cover image and title on this page and others showing sets of books and also on the book’s detail page.  read more


     Below are my first three books of poetry.



Love Poems



     To make this website easier to use, the poetry banner link at the top of each page and the green “writing poetry” link at the bottom of each page will always take you one level up, e.g. from the books page back to home or from a specific book’s detail page back to the main books page or from a specific poem back to its gallery. The two top level pages, home and about, link to each other.  read more







writing poetry . . . to remember