The first two books shown here are also available as electronic books at Amazon or Barnes&Noble. The complete PDF copies of these poetry books may be purchased here by emailing or texting me or by using the yellow PayPal “Buy Now” buttons below the books’ cover images and titles. Thank you.
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poetry and PDFs
As a poet I paint with the imagery and relationships of the words I choose and sometimes with the arrangement of words and lines on the page – visual display is often part of what I'm trying to express. How a poem looks on its page or pages is important to me. Also, visual design elements of a poem, usually simple line breaks, spaces between words and white space separating groups of lines, help me read the poem the way I want to read it.
In the work I’ve done to create PDF editions of my books I’ve seen that the PDF format does an excellent job of preserving visual page designs. When I create additional books of my poetry, they will always be added to the collection of PDF books here and, like the books shown below, each will have a unique ISBN code for its PDF edition. read less